The Traveling Dance Divas
Naples, FL
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Like anything new, if you're just starting out in ballroom dance, you may be a little uncertain as to what to expect.  Not to worry.  It's easy and fun!

First, it's important to remember that you're going to be moving, so you should be as comfortable as possible.  While some studios will have a dress code, (skirts for the ladies and slacks for the men - no bluejeans), typically, comfortable, attractive street clothes will suffice.  The most important thing about your choice of clothing is that you should be able to MOVE.  Clothing that is too tight or restrictive will inhibit movement.  You'll also be working, so you'll want to be as cool and comfortable as possible.

Your choice of footwear is equally important.  If you're just starting out, odds are you don't have a pair of dance shoes lounging around in your closet.  That's fine - you'll get those later.  But for now, make certain that you wear something that will allow you to move while minimizing the possibility of injury.  For ladies, that means you won't want to wear anything with a super high heel; and stay away from open-backed shoes, as you don't want your feet sliding out of them!  For gentlemen, (and ladies, too), try to stay away from rubber-soled shoes and sneakers.  While they're certainly comfortable, these shoes grip the floor and make it difficult to turn.  Better to stick with a comfortable leather-soled shoe - lace up or loafer.

if you decide to continue with your dancing, you'll want to invest in a good pair of ballroom dance shoes.  Ballroom shoes are specifically made for dancing.  They're flexible, which allow for greater articulation of the feet, and they have suede soles, which allow the feet to move across the dance floor with ease.  A good pair of dance shoes is an investment and can run you anywhere from $30 (online) - which is cheap! - to upwards of $200, depending on how fancy you want to get.  Women, by-in-large, are eager to get into ballroom shoes because, well....they're pretty!  Men are, for the most part, a little less enthusiastic.  But gentlemen, don't despair.  While I've had numerous male students that rebelled against the idea of purchasing ballroom shoes, once they finally got them, they were delighted, and many commented that they wished they'd invested in a pair earlier.  Think of them as a tool.  If you have the right tool, the job is much easier!  The same is true of dance shoes. 

You will not typically wear your dance shoes on the street, so you'll want to come a few minutes early to class so that you can change into your shoes, sign in, and warm up a bit.  It's always a good idea - whether you're taking group classes or private lessons - to practice as much as possible with or without your partner!  Consider it homework.  If you're investing in dance lessons, you'll want to get the most out of it you possibly can, so practice as often as possible to cement the lessons that you've learned.

The most important thing of all?  Relax and have fun.  If there's one thing that ballroom dance is great for, it the chance to leave the cares and worries of the world behind as you focus on the joy of music, movement, and self-expression.  You're embarking on a new adventure that will provide you with tons of personal, social, and health benefits.  Enjoy it!

Winnie P.
5/17/2012 04:57:01 am

Blog on girl, blog on! And she totally knows what she's talking about!

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    Lisa Wilkinson is a ballroom instructor and author.  She and former USBC Champion, Billianne Dollard, are co-owners of The Traveling Dance Divas, in Naples, Florida.  Visit her creative consulting website at


    August 2012
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    Ballroom Dance
    Benefits Of Ballroom Dance
    Learning Ballroom Dance

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